Carlson Gracie Tucson

Competition Jiu-Jitsu

Are you ready to take your skills to the next level? Well, you’ve come to the right place. Our Advanced/Competition BJJ class is designed to ensure each student is competition-ready. Taught by our most experienced instructors, you’ll soon be mastering advanced BJJ techniques and sparring like a pro. If you enroll in this class, you’ll have the opportunity to represent Carlson Gracie Tucson in competitions!

Competition Jiu-Jitsu

Advanced Training

As Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu has grown in popularity, the competition has become fiercer than ever before. But there’s nothing to fear – at Carlson Gracie Tucson, we offer the best of the best. This class is one of the most advanced courses at our school, pushing students to reach higher goals and develop the skill set of their dreams. Students in Advanced/Competition BJJ have a solid grip on the fundamentals of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and are ready to try modern techniques, gain more experience sparring other advanced athletes, and take on new challenges.


Competitions and Tournaments

As you become an advanced martial artist, you may want to put your skills to the test. At Carlson Gracie Tucson, we believe that competition is the best way to apply your abilities in an environment that is safe, yet challenging. Competitions are the perfect place to not only identify your strengths and better understand how to utilize them but to discover your weak spots as well. Over the years, Carlson Gracie Tucson’s competition team has attended a wide variety of competitions, won countless awards, and achieved national recognition.

A One-of-a-Kind Team

Don’t get us wrong – winning a trophy, out-performing a competitor, or finally reaching a personal goal feels pretty great. But at the end of the day, none of those things are the best part of joining the Carlson Gracie Tucson competition team.

The real prize? Your teammates.

Between training, traveling, competing, and celebrating, members of our competition team spend a ton of time together. There’s a high level of camaraderie and friendship unique to our competition team that will push you to become the best martial artist you can be. We can’t wait for you to join us!


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